The protest at Schiphol in three striking videos

Hundreds of climate activists stormed the closed area of ​​Schiphol-East this afternoon. They chained themselves to private jets, among other things. Some also cycled laps around the airport site. NH Nieuws was there and that resulted in striking videos, which we have listed for you.

The activists had gathered earlier in the day in the Amsterdam forest, after which they drove a truck to Schiphol to climb over the fence. They did this by climbing on the truck, but also by making a hole in a madman. The military police proved powerless.

This is how the climate activists came to the ‘forbidden’ part of Schiphol. View the images below. The text continues after the video.

This is how the activists broke through the fence at Schiphol – Inter Visual Video

Some activists were unable to enter the site because they were just too late and were stopped by the military police. They watched aimlessly as other activists proceeded. It did result in an interview, live on NH Nieuws

View the images below. The text continues after the video.

Activists are just too late and watching – NH Nieuws

Towards the end of the protest at Schiphol-East, the military police present literally dived into cycling activists. At that time, at least 100 people had already been arrested.

View the images below

Cyclists caught by Marechaussee – NH Nieuws
