“The ‘procés’ covered up the social agenda, which is now being uncovered again”

Esther Giménez-Salinas (Barcelona, ​​1949) has been the new Síndica de Greuges since June 30, with the votes of the PSC, ERC and Junts. He reveals that he was about to resign from office, defends the reform of the crime of sedition and asks to attend to social emergencies.

You have been chosen as a result of a pact between the PSC, ERC and Junts that has included other public bodies, with 39 votes against in Parliament. Are you comfortable with a cast that can be interpreted as partisan?

I would have liked a more inclusive pact. Some parties that did not vote [a favor] they said they would have if things had been done differently. But I had nothing to do with this. What she was very uncomfortable with, so much so that I thought about it a lot, is that this came out in December and they appointed me on June 30. It took so long that in the meantime other possibilities appeared to me and I was very hesitant to accept it. It should have been done earlier. They had to change the law, they reduced the mandate, which was nine years and it was reduced to six, with which I am delighted. Nine years in office is a long time. And that it is not a renewable position, it also seems good to me.

“My appointment took so long that I hesitated to accept it”

Esther Giménez-Salinas, Trustee of Greuges

You were a member of the General Council of the Judiciary. Many years have passed and we continue with a lock of this body…

I find it intolerable.

What solution do you see?

They would have to resign. They, for dignity. All. Because it’s been more than three years.

“The members of the General Council of the Judiciary would have to resign. All. For dignity”

Esther Jiménez Salinas, Trustee of Greuges

In his inaugural speech he spoke of dejudicializing. In the current political context, is an agreement to reform the crime of sedition or a framework agreement for dejudicialization possible?

If you want, yes, it is perfectly possible. But they have to really want. I have always defended this dejudicialization. Not only because of these issues but because criminal justice must be the last resort. I’ve been a strong advocate for restorative justice.

How did you experience the act of boycotting the victims of 17-A on the Rambla?

I think it was not the moment, it was the moment of the victims. To respect them. I consider it disastrous. It’s just not the time. And the penal system in general has neglected the victims a lot. And this is one more example.

“The boycott of the victims of 17-A was disastrous, it was not the time”

Esther Jiménez Salinas, Trustee of Greuges

Is the social agenda that you consider to be a priority and that will mark your term of office too much covered, at a political and media level, by the ‘procés’?

At a certain time, I think so. Now, since it is beginning to be a very important problem, it is being uncovered again. It will be the serious problem of the coming years.

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Are the public powers aware of the social moment we live in and the one that is coming?

I do not know. I will help them to be because I have it very internalized. If I can do something, it will be in the social field. It’s what’s up now.
