‘The problem is not under control’, says Van Ranst

Wereldwijd zijn he momenteel 10,337 were registered. Op 12 June there were 1,593. Also in België zien we een toename: van 25 previous maand to 224 deze maand. In the Netherlands, the number of cases with the apenpokkenvirus even occurred: from 60 to 503 cases in a month.

“Deels is de versnelling te be clarified by betere wustwording en betere beschikbaarheid van laboratorydiagnostiek, maar dit zeker not clarifies everything”, reports Van Ranst. “Individually we de group the moments het most risico op besmetting lopen (MSM and sekswerkers) now best preventive vaccine breeders. When the epidemic spreads to the rest of the population, we have a right to see it in India.”

vaccine problem

Europe was fighting a vaccine problem. “The large leveringen gaan to Canada and the VS was a penpokken nu also in opmars zijn, maar in mindere mate dan in talrijke Europese lands”, aldus Van Ranst. Volgens Van Ranst would like to ingrijpen the international unfortunately. “Vaccinations will not be used in stockage premises may be used in countries that are not used in the epicentrum van de uitbraak liggen, but only middellijk should be used because of the epidemic in te Dijken, now the infections are not currently in the min of sea welomschreven risk groups. Wanneer we het apenpokkenproblem nu not mondialal beter aanpakken, gaan we later zeggen: ‘Hadden we toen maar’. En dat zou spijtig zijn.”

Stijging antal gevallen met apenpokkenvirus.Beeld Our World in Data

Canteens can be selected via lichaamsvloeistoffe, ademhalingsdruppels and huiduitslag. Het gaat om zeer nauwe contacts. The risk of besmetting is small because of the coronavirus. As per besmet, it lasts 5 to 21 days before the last krijgt van de eerste symptoms (coorts, although hoofd- en spierpijn en gebrek aan energie, zwollen lymfeklieren). Three days after that, there is a change in the typical situation in terms of what is meant, the poor and the levels. The most mensen will be raffled off on twee à four weeks.

How he was able to be sure that it was with the apenpokkenvirus, wordt aangeraden when we met a speedy service and we didn’t first see it from a house. The last thing that happens is that the only material available from the test for the apenpokken virus, it says.

Typical huiduitslag bij het apenpokkenvirus.  Beeld AFP

Typical huiduitslag bij het apenpokkenvirus.Beeld AFP
