The pro-independence entities disdain the pact to promote Catalan

The independent entities They belittled this Thursday the pact reached between Junts and the PSOE to promote in this legislature the use of Catalan in institutions both Spanish and Europe. The Catalan National Assembly (ANC), Cultural Omnium and the Platform for the Language They reacted between criticism and disdain before an announcement that, being positive, should have been reached decades ago. As part of the investiture agreements and the configuration of the Parliamentary Bureau, both ERC and JxCat have agreed with the PSOE the official status of Catalan in the European Union, its use in the Congress of Deputies and the promotion of the investigation commission on the ‘Pegasus case’ of spying on pro-independence political leaders.

The position of the ANC

The Catalan National Assembly (ANC) He has attacked ERC and JxCat for having agreed with the PSOE on the constitution of the Congress Table based on agreements that he has labeled as “submission to the Spanish State“. “Any pact with the party that wants to govern the State could only be assumable as a result of the explicit recognition that the independence referendum was the act of sovereignty that validates Catalonia as a political subject”, the independence entity pointed out in a statement issued after the constitution of the Congress. The maximalist positions within the Catalan independence movement advocated more for the rupture of the dialogue and new elections than to recognize the privileged position of the Catalan parties to redirect relations between Barcelona and Madrid. For the ANC, agree without this recognition of the independence referendum “implies submission to the Spanish State” and “vassalage” to the King.

While for the PSOE the election of the former president of the Balearic Islands and PSOE deputy, Francina Armengol, is also a gesture of goodwill and shows a change of course in Spanish politics, with the support of 178 deputies (absolute majority), the pro-independence positions exude a certain frustration and mistrust. In the statement, the ANC pointed out that “only the blockade of Spanish institutions” can “precipitate the fall of the State and push the Spanish parties to the need to resolve the Catalan conflict if they want to govern”. , at the discretion of the Assembly, the strategy that will lead us to the constitution of the Catalan State”, they add. In addition, the ANC considers that this pact also favors “the laundering of the State in front of Europe”, at the same time that it has alerted ERC and JxCat of the “dangers of losing sight of the goal of independence.”

The position of Òmnium Cultural

Cultural Omnium has criticized that the state “values as an exception ensure a fundamental right such as being able to speak Catalan everywhere”. Galician are official in the Union “Courts of a State that continue to issue sentences against our language in schools”, lamented Òmnium, which has assured that civil society will continue –textually– working on all fronts to defend the Catalan.

The position of Platform for the Language

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Platform for the Language has described as “insufficient” the proposal of the socialist Pedro Sánchez de promote the use of Catalan. The sovereign entity considers that it is of vital importance that Catalan be an official language in Europe and not only “promote its use in institutions”. For this reason, they criticize a certain ambiguity in the announcement.

More than 60 Catalan associations (including Barça, the Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona or the chambers of commerce) recently promoted a manifesto to promote the official status of Catalan in Europe. More than 50,000 people signed that manifesto. Plataforma per la Llengua values, however, that the Spanish presidency of the EU can achieve significant progress in the objective that Catalan can be used in Europe like any other official language.
