The priest talks to those who have cheated in marriage

The Danish series reflects on the concept of infidelity.

In the Don’t commit adultery series, discussions take place in the church pew. Over

Today, the second episode of the Danish series Don’t commit adultery is shown on TV, with a priest Flemming Pless reflects on infidelity and the concept of sin.

– I think Christianity should be visible in all aspects of life. Also when we are unfaithful to our spouse, Pless says at the beginning of the episode.

Pless discusses the topic by Claus Roager, Winnie the Pooh and Inge Bjerren with those who have been unfaithful in their marriages.

He wants to find out what temptation, sin and forgiveness mean to them.

– To me, loving only one person is lying, Topp says to Pliss at the beginning.

Roager starts by telling how he got caught cheating.

– I came out in February 2013. A letter arrived in our mailbox telling Birgitte that I had an affair.

Roager says that at first he wanted to deny everything, but decided to be honest.

Inge says that the extramarital affair has been good for her femininity. In his opinion, the other has no right to dictate what the other does in his life.

– I don’t know if it’s right, but I don’t think marriage gives ownership rights to another person. At the beginning of my marriage, it was difficult for me to say “my husband”.

She says that she regrets the most that she didn’t immediately confess what she had done to her husband.

Bjerre says that she drifted into a secret relationship because she needed acceptance and to feel wanted.

– It felt good to be with someone, but as soon as Akti was over and looked at herself again in the mirror, she felt even dirtier, uglier and more confused.

According to Pless, cheating in a marriage often results in suffering for outside parties as well.

Topp says that his children have reacted positively to their parents’ divorce.

– I never believe that. I’ll tell you something personal. That’s what I said since I was 5, when my parents divorced. I used to say the same thing until I was about 20, that it was great when my parents divorced because I got two Christmases and all sorts of other things. Nothing of the kind. It was tough, says Pliss.

Don’t commit adultery today on TV1 at 23:32 and Arena.

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