The price of the diamond bracelet Mehmet Dinçerler put on Hadise was astonishing

Mehmet Dinçerler, who created a controversy by wearing a ring worth 3 million TL in the marriage proposal to the famous singer Hadise, came to the fore with the diamond bracelet he wore to the famous singer at the engagement. The ring that Dinçerler bought for Hadise left its mark on the concordat case of three companies belonging to the Dinçerler family.

The popular singer Hadise, who carried her success in music to her private life, also conquered the hearts of the Dinçerler Family in a short time. Famous pop singer, who took the first step to marry Mehmet Dinçerler at his home in Göktürk last week, had all employees sign a confidentiality agreement before the engagement.

In this way, Hadise, who kept all the details of the engagement ceremony secret, became the subject of curiosity. The groom, who wore a ring worth 3 million TL while proposing to the beautiful pop singer, opened his mouth at the engagement.


According to the news of Aydın Hamza from Calendar; Mehmet Dinçerler and his family gave Hadise a diamond bracelet worth 75 thousand dollars, or approximately 1 million 100 thousand TL, this time. The beautiful pop singer, to whom the Dinçerler Family also wore a diamond necklace, made her say “Million Bride”.
