The presidential couple sent a letter to Hannele Lauri about her birthday

A surprising letter dropped into actress Hannele Lauri’s mailbox.

Hannele Lauri is now 70 years old. Inka Soveri

Actress Hannele Lauri turned 70 on July 21. Lauri has had an acting career since the 70s. He is remembered for numerous famous roles in films and series. He has been awarded for his career at Kultainen Venla for his life’s work and at Betoni-Jussi.

Lauri received a surprising letter for his birthday, which he decided to share with his Instagram followers as well.

The President of the Republic, Sauli Niinistö, and his wife, Jenni Haukio, remembered the distinguished actress in front of the flag pole with a letter. Kultaranta is marked as the place of writing of the letter and Lauri’s birthday as the date.

– Actress Hannele Lauri, our heartfelt congratulations on your 70th anniversary! The letter says.

Judging by the caption of the Instagram update, the actor is happy with the letter.

– I thank the President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö and the spouse of the President of the Republic Jenni Haukiot for remembering my birthday, Lauri says in the caption.

Lauri told Iltalehte his thoughts about his long career in a birthday interview published on July 17. He believes, among other things, that his personality has contributed to the fact that he has remained in the top cast of Finnish actors for decades.

– I’m quite different. My type. I don’t want to go with the mainstream, now you don’t have to dress a certain way, or you can’t speak your mind. I’m very direct. Of course, I can also keep my mouth shut if necessary, Lauri commented.

Hannele Lauri tells Iltalehte about the most important events in her life.
