The precarious situation of firefighters fighting the fire

07/24/2022 at 14:05


Forest firefighters and the UME are fighting the fires in precarious conditions

The war against fires seems favorable, but it is demanding many sacrifices

The situation of the fires in Spain this summer is dramatic. Unfortunately, all known records are being broken in terms of the amount of land they have devastated. In fact, the one in Zamora is currently the fire that has burned the most hectares since data was recorded. And not only in terms of its extension, but also in terms of its intensity. And those who testify to this are, precisely, those who fight it on the front line: firefighters.

José Manuel Alonso, forest firefighter in the fire operation of the Community of Madrid, has given some statements to the digital newspaper El HuffPost in which he has narrated how they are living, in the first person, the fight against the fire in this intense summer.

And it is that, despite having received training for his work, he considers that the evolution of the fires has made the improvements that had been made in training and equipment obsolete. It’s more, demand an improvement in their conditions, because in matters as basic as food they receive more and better help from the neighbors who are also being threatened by the fire than from the institutions.
