The PP will vote ‘no’ to the energy saving decree if the Government does not eliminate “frivolities”

08/22/2022 at 13:38


Bendodo sees in the Council of Ministers a “magnificent opportunity” to eliminate aspects such as turning off shop windows or reducing air conditioning

The general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, has announced that his party will vote this Thursday against the decree law saving energy unless this Tuesday, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Government corrects it and eliminates what it considers “frivolities”.

At a press conference at the PP headquarters, Bendodo indicated that the Council of Ministers this Tuesday, two days before the vote in Congress, is a “great opportunity“to correct the decree law and eliminate issues such as the turning off of shop windows or the reduction of air conditioning, which it defines as”frivolities“, and to add issues such as transport aid.

“If the government withdraws all frivolous measures, if it opts for protection and the road transport assistance, we will vote in favour; but if not, we will vote against “, she has advanced.
