The PP sees Sánchez without “credibility” and the “main destabilizer” of the institutions

05/10/2022 at 18:45


“We don’t have to do anything. Just watching them cook in their own sauce,” says an adviser to Alberto Núñez Feijóo showing his astonishment at “the chaos” mounted by the Government on account of the espionage scandals that lie in wait for him. In the main opposition party, in Ciudadanos and Vox they gloat over the political crisis with which Pedro Sánchez is dribbling just over a month after the Andalusian elections and with the PP rising in the polls for the general elections. “We are foresight, prudence, tranquility. Just the opposite of what Sánchez represents at the moment,” adds that Feijóo collaborator.

The PP leader wrote on Twitter that Sánchez has offered the independentistas “the head” of Paz Esteban as director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) to seek his own “survival” in Moncloa. “The government as a whole should resign and call elections. Not everything goes,” Inés wrote on Twitter Arrimadas, the president of Citizens. “Sánchez has decided to criminalize those who protect us and pardon and associate with those who attack us. An autocracy at the service of his person,” Santiago launched. abascalleader of the Vox ranks.

The leaders of the PP have been instructed by the management to underline that the head of the Executive has a serious “credibility problem” and it is the “main destabilizing element” of the institutions. First, by “pressuring” Meritxell Batet, president of Congress, to modify the rules so that EH Bildu could form part of the commission for reserved expenses and, second, by setting Esteban aside to try to please the independentistas for the espionage of the CNI to several of its leaders. “In Moncloa they are nervous and they are making mistakes, “says Feijóo’s adviser. Sánchez will appear to give explanations about that ‘hacking’ to the sovereignists the last week of May, a monographic session that his partners from United We Can, independentists and also the PP have demanded.

“We have a president who has voluntarily become a puppet of the independence movement and that is inadmissible for those of us who defend the rule of law. He is showing us day in and day out that does not have any kind of limit“, Complained Cuca Gamarra, spokesperson for the popular in Congress and general secretary of his party.

Gamarra pointed out that the PP does not believe that Esteban’s dismissal is due to the ‘hacking’ of the cell phones of Sánchez, Margarita Robles and Fernando Grande-Marlaska. “If the Government wants to make us believe that this dismissal responds to something else, as far as the PP is concerned, it does not strain,” he told the press. When asked if the Government had consulted with Feijóo about the appointment of Esperanza Casteleiro as the new director of the CNI or if it had been previously communicated, the spokeswoman replied that her party had “no prior information” and that she found out from the press. .


“That is Sánchez’s way of governing,” Gamarra made ugly. Esteban, the recently dismissed, was interim spy chief for six months after Félix Sanz Roldán left the post in July 2019, so her election was not a surprise. In 2009, however, when José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero chose Sanz Roldán to replace the also dismissed Alberto Saiz, the then president did telephone Mariano Rajoy to inform him of his decision.

In the session of control to the Government of this Wednesday, the PP will maintain the pressure for these scandals. Gamarra will do it face to face with Sánchez and his colleagues Carlos Rojas and José Antonio Bermúdez de Castro, with the ministers Félix Bolanos (Chair) and Margarita Oak trees (Defense), respectively. The choice is not trivial. For the popular, Bolaños represents the “destabilizing Sánchez”, because he was the one who announced at a press conference that the cell phones of the president and Robles had been ‘hacked’, and the Minister of Defense symbolizes “the usual PSOE, which no longer there is more with this president”, in the words of a PP deputy.
