The PP sees itself as a winner despite Feijóo’s plan in the debate

“Debate to which we are not going, debate that we do not lose”. The phrase is from one of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s advisers and he pronounced it at the beginning of the campaign, when the PP had announced that I would not attend the four-person debate on RTVE that was held this Wednesday in Madrid. Then the popular ones did not know that the face to face with Pedro Sanchez (on Monday of last week) the Galician politician was going to do so well, but they did know that debating, going to a set and appearing with Santiago Abascal (Vox), Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz (Sumar) was a risk. And Feijóo has not wanted to run it. And in the game they believe they were right.

According to official party sources, it was a “flat” program and a Sánchez was seen “more comfortable with Abascal than with Feijóo, who is the only one capable of facing the lies of Sanchismo.” In Genoa they believe that there was no contrast of proposals and the three candidates showed that the only thing they want “is to prevent a strong PP government.” The Galician politician, these sources continued, “It is the only possible alternative.” “The PP has come out winning (…) and is the only one that has a project” for Spain, they opined.

Feijóo and his people argued for days that they did not consider it necessary to participate in such a debate, in which the representatives of ERC, PNV and EH Bildu, regular partners of the coalition government during this legislature, were not summoned.

No rallies for a day

The leader of the PP did not go to the debate and did not hold any rally either. This Wednesday morning, in an interview on La Sexta, he explained that the agenda of meetings had been emptied throughout the day due to a low back pain. He felt “a pull” the day before in Madrid and they had to inject him with medication in the afternoon, in Palma de Mallorca, due to the strong pain he felt. “I will try to finish the campaign with or without pain, but I will try to finish the campaign”, he assured.

The relationship with Dorado

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In the interview, the leader of the PP had to answer questions about the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado, since minutes before in that same program, ‘Al rojo vivo’, the vice president, Yolanda Díaz, had once again Ask for explanations about your friendship. The leader of the PP always maintains that, when he spent the summer with him, in 1995 and 1996, according to what ‘El País’ published ten years ago, he did not know that he was a drug trafficker. “No, at that time he did not have any charges for it. Now it is easier to know things because there is internet, there is Google… Until I met him, this man had no cause with the narco (…) If I have been living with this for 30 years, I am not going to worry about the remaining three days of the campaign nor will I worry about the future. I have given all the explanations, the Galicians know very well what happened,” he replied.

golden was convicted of drug trafficking and money laundering in 2003, but it appeared in numerous reports in the Spanish media during the 90s, before those vacation trips together. In 1990 he had been arrested in the ‘Nécora operation’, a device that opened all the news and the front pages of the Spanish press.
