The PP says that Spain is a “dictatorship” because it is the PSOE that “insinuates” the investiture date

The president of Congress, Francina Armengol (PSOE)still has not set a date for the investiture debate of Pedro Sánchez, although it has been 27 days since the king Philip VI designated the leader of the PSOE as a candidate. The difficult negotiations that the socialist leader has to close with an amalgamation of parties, if he wants to continue in Moncloa, are delaying the calendar. The deadline is November 27, although some PSOE sources began to slip on Saturday, in the federal committee, that the debate could be held next weekon November 7th and 8th.

The information from the media has served the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarrato turn against Sánchez and regret that That detail of the date is known by the PSOE and not through the mouth of Armengol. In a press conference at the PP headquarters after the steering committee, Gamarra said that “it is one more symptom” of the “degradation” of political life for which he blames Sánchez. “That it is the PSOE that insinuates it, I simply think it demonstrates once again how little shame it has.” [Sánchez] when it comes to evidencing the manipulation and control that he wants to carry out over the rest of the powers. And this, if you allow me, reminds me of dictatorships“, he said. “In dictatorships it is usually the leader’s party that announces when things that affect the other powers will happen. And without a doubt that is not the right path,” he continued.

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The number two of the PP has taken advantage of the intervention before the media to criticize Sánchez’s willingness to approve an amnesty for those prosecuted for the 2017 ‘procés’ and has described the consultation that the PSOE has organized among its members as a “theater”. militancy. The Secretary General has not introduced the word “amnesty” in the question: “Do you support the agreement to form a government with Sumar and achieve the support of other political formations to achieve the necessary majority?”

Gamarra has said that, “if he wants consultation”, he should consult all Spaniards at the polls and let his investiture turn pass to repeat the general elections on January 14. “The independentistas know that Sánchez has no principles and is willing to make any type of concession and any type of blackmail to achieve the investiture. What the federal committee applauded is immoral and a true electoral fraud,” the general secretary stressed.
