The PP says for the first time that it will repeal the amnesty law if it reaches the Government

All the information about the amnesty law in this EL PERIÓDICO special.

Until this Monday, January 8, 2024, the PP had never assured that will repeal the amnesty law of the ‘procés’ if it reaches Moncloa. Until now, the popular leaders threw the ball away when asked about the matter, both in front of the cameras and outside due to the difficulty of undoing the effects that the grace measure may have on the pro-independence leaders and the cases now open in the courts. . “Yes, when we come to power we will repeal the amnesty law. Of course,” said the PP spokesperson, Borja Semperin response to a direct question from the press about the repeal.

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The leader of the PP himself, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, had resisted saying it so clearly until now. “I am convinced that the courts will repeal it,” said the Galician politician on December 14 in Brussels when asked the same question. The deputy speaker in Congress, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo He spoke of “stopping it” and “reversing it” in an interview on ‘Abc’ in mid-December, but he did not talk about “repeal.”

At the press conference after the steering committee, Sémper added that his party is presenting a bill “diametrically” opposed to the amnesty law. The PP has presented an amendment to the entirety with alternative text with changes in the Penal Code to punish “the constitutional disloyalty. The conservatives propose sentences of 5 to 10 years for non-compliance with court rulings and declarations of independence; penalties of 1 to 5 years in prison for calling illegal referendums, and the dissolution of parties and organizations that promote the separation of territories or organize consultations.
