The PP opens a political front with the Government for selectivity

  • The communities of the conservative party ask for a unique EVAU in all of Spain and announce that they are getting up from the months of work where the experts are preparing the new exams

  • Education confirms that the new model will come into force in 2028, one year later than expected

The PP has open a new and enormous political front on account of the selectivity, an exam that will change and adapt to the competency and less memory model imposed by the educational law (Lomloe). During the Education sector conference held this Tuesday in Madrid, all the communities governed by the conservative party (Madrid, Castilla y León, Andalusia, Galicia and Murcia) have demanded a unique test in all of Spain.

In addition, despite the fact that the working groups have spent months studying how to adapt the EVAU to the competency model, they want to start from scratch in this debate. Madrid and Castilla y León have gone a step further and have announced that they will get up from the tables of work. Sources from the Ministry of Education consider that the PP is carrying out its “usual political war& rdquor; to the educational field.

In statements to the press, the Secretary of State for Education, Jose Manuel Bar, has insisted that a single selectivity throughout Spain is unfeasible from a legal point of view. “It is something that the PP did not approve when it was in power, despite having its own education law, the Lomce,” he recalled.

In writing the selectivity exams, there are three competent institutions: the Government, communities and universities. “Requesting a single test is not feasible from a practical point of view either because each autonomy has its own curricular decrees,” added Bar.

The Constitutional CourtHe also has two sentences that established jurisprudence with regard to educational competencies, therefore, in the opinion of the ministry, a single selectivity throughout Spain is not viable from a legal point of view.

new selectivity

The new selectivity will enter into force in June 2028 (and not in June 2027 as originally agreed). Experts in each subject proposed by the communities -from history to philosophy or English- have been holding work meetings since September to see how to adapt the entrance exams to college to the competency model, something that in Catalonia it has already been putting into practice for some years. In these working groups there are also university, secondary and high school teachers.

The request of the communities governed by the PP in the sectorial conference this afternoon is to destroy all that work and start from scratch. “It is something that increases uncertainty among the educational community and families. We are going to continue working and fighting for consensus,” stressed the Secretary of State.

This June, everything ‘normal’

Male and female students who are enrolled in their 2nd year of high school this year and who aspire to enter the university will undergo a ‘normal’ selectivity, as before. Starting next year (2023-24), the competency model will progressively slide in the exams. Starting from that course, various pilot tests will be carried out among the students, which will not count for grades and will only be a way of knowing what works and what does not.

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In June 2028, the new selectivity will come into full force. It will not be a revalidation to see if the students have learned everything they should during the two baccalaureate courses. It will be a test of academic maturity -so it is ruled in the Lomloe- to verify that the applicant is qualified to enter a faculty.

The computation of the note will continue as before. The EVAU will represent 40% and the baccalaureate, 60%. Of that 40% of the selectivity, 60% will correspond to the maturity test (the exams of the common subjects, such as English or history) and the remaining 40% will depend on the modality test (the subjects of the specialties of each baccalaureate).
