The PP does not rule out that Sánchez ends up granting amnesty to terrorists with blood crimes

All the information about the amnesty law in this EL PERIÓDICO special.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo This Saturday he wanted to deploy the municipal power of the PP to direct it against the amnesty law and, above all, against Pedro Sanchez. The national leaders of the party have spread throughout the Spanish territory to meet with conservative mayors and sign a joint manifesto against the grace measure. In one of these events, the one held in Malaga, the deputy secretary of Autonomous and Local Coordination of the PP, Elias Bendodohas denounced that Sánchez could even grant amnesty to terrorists with blood crimes.

“Is any Spaniard capable of saying that Sánchez is not going to cross that red line? I would not dare, I would not put my hand in the fire because until now everything he has said he would not do, he is doing,” he said in reference to the amnesty law that will be approved this Tuesday in Congress. The law will go ahead with the latest modification that only excludes from the amnesty those causes of terrorism “as long as, manifestly and with direct intention, they have caused serious violations of human rights.”

Bendodo has denounced that the rule “shields those who have committed terrorist crimes”, “attacks the Constitution” and “totally breaks the principle of equality of citizens.” “They are the ones who want to break up Spain, in this case the independentists and the heirs of ETA, that they can embezzle, that they can attack the force and security forces, that they can commit terrorist crimes and that nothing happens to them. If any of us committed any of these crimes, obviously we would end up very badly, but Sánchez’s untouchables can commit all these misdeeds,” Bendodo said.

Gamarra, in La Rioja

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He has not been the only one who has resorted to ETA’s mantra. The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarrain an event with the mayors of La Rioja, denounced that the amnesty is Sánchez’s payment to maintain “the rent of La Moncloa” where “he will live while Carles Puigdemont and Arnaldo Otegi “In a democratic state no one is more than anyone else, the law must be for everyone and the rulers must defend the general interest, but we have a Government that has decided to hand all that over to those who reject our framework of common coexistence and believe that They are above others,” he said.

Gamarra has also referred to the issue of terrorism and considers that “Sánchez has broken all moral and ethical limits and every day he skips a red line” and “he goes further when he says that there is low-intensity terrorism, good terrorism.” “in a “true exercise of moral corruption, because terrorism is terrorism and in democracy it is persecuted.”
