The PP chooses González Pons to negotiate with the Government the renewal of the CGPJ

04/25/2022 at 20:06


The Institutional Deputy Secretary of the PP and one of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s trusted men, will be the main interlocutor of the Government to negotiate the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary. The MEP will deal with “resume the talks” which was what Pedro Sánchez and the popular leader agreed on in their meeting in Moncloa more than two weeks ago.

The government had been asking the main opposition party for days to appoint a person as soon as possible to begin to approach the negotiation, looking at a key date: June 12, at which time a part of the Constitutional Court designated by the Government and by the CGPJ itself must also be renewed. The latest rule that affects the Judiciary does not allow appointments to be made while in office and, hence, for the Executive it is key that it is already renewed.

Feijóo’s new PP was clear that it would be open to institutional renewal, unlike the previous leadership presided over by Paul Marriedwho insisted on a organic law reform before closing a deal. At the very least, it demanded a vote in Congress that would guarantee the normative change.

Feijóo believes that a change in the system for electing the members is necessary, but he has not put it as a red line to advance in the negotiation. Complying with the independence standards required by Europe is indeed a priority and the choice of González Pons to negotiate this renewal also goes in that direction. in all probability will try to start a commitment to the PSOE in that direction.

The appointment of interlocutors, as this newspaper advanced, was planned immediately after delivering the PP’s economic plan in Moncloa. Feijóo, as party leaders explain, is not in favor of opening several fronts at the same time and wanted prioritize your economic and fiscal alternative despite the haste shown by the Government to renew the CGPJ.

“First one thing ends and then the other begins & rdquor;sources from the leadership assured this newspaper. It has been confirmed and from this Monday the talks can already be resumed.

Even so, in the conservative formation they recognize that it is the main interlocutor for now. Most likely, those designated in the talks will expand over time, especially since it is a negotiation that must be closed in Congress. All eyes turn to Cuca Gamarrageneral secretary and spokesperson for the popular group, who could also participate later.
