The PP begins the round of contacts to form a government in Castilla y León

02/21/2022 at 06:36


The candidate of PP to the Presidency of the Castilla and leon meeting, Alfonso Fernandez Manuecowill meet this Monday with the general secretary of the PSOE in this Community, Luis Tudanca, within the round of meetings that he will hold with all the political forces represented in Parliament and that he will hold in descending order depending on the results.

The meeting with Tudanca will be held at 11 tomorrow.

The PP candidate and acting president will follow the order of encounters from highest to lowestin number of parliamentary representation in the Cortes of Castilla y León, so the next one to be received by Fernández Mañueco will be the candidate of voxJuan Garcia-Gallardoalthough there is still no date for that meeting.

they will follow Luis Mariano Santos, from the Union of the Leonese People; Angel Ceña, from Soria Ya; Pablo Fernández, from United We Can; Francisco Igea, from Ciudadanos, and Pedro Pascual, from Por Ávila.
