The PP… and more people, editorial on the demonstrations against the amnesty

This Sunday, the PP mobilized tens of thousands of people throughout Spain against the amnesty bill that will enter Congress this week and that, together with another series of measures agreed between the PSOE and seven other parties, will allow the third investiture. by Pedro Sánchez. Logically, the impetus for this mobilization is political. Once Alberto Núñez Feijóo did not obtain the necessary votes for his investiture proposal, his party is demanding an electoral repetition. Everything that has happened so far is legitimate: the candidate who won the elections is commissioned by the King to try to be president, Congress does not give him the votes and another candidate emerges who seems likely to get them. It was childish on the part of the PSOE to belittle Feijóo’s presentation and any attempt by the PP to now delegitimize Sánchez’s investiture is childish because the PSOE did not come first. Ours is a parliamentary regime and the president is elected by the deputies.

Having said that, It is logical that the PP, in addition to mobilizing for partisan reasons, also wants to aspire to represent the discontent of many citizens. with the consequences of the agreements reached by Sánchez with his investiture partners. We are not only talking about militants, sympathizers or voters of the PP, but also voters of other options, even the PSOE, or simply less politicized people. It is as legitimate to reach agreements to govern as to peacefully demonstrate against its content., or at least against what is known so far. And if the extreme right or the extreme right join these mobilizations, that does not make them expressions of their most involutionist ideas, each one manifests for what they manifest and deserves all democratic respect. All this social unrest could be avoided if the first two parties in Congress had even sat down to seriously negotiate support for the most voted, not only on this occasion but on previous ones with an alternating correlation, or if Congress had not been closed while This second investiture was negotiated.

The PSOE has crossed lines that until a few months ago it considered red. Its leadership and militancy have taken the step together, as they did this Sunday in Junts or before in Sumar and Esquerra. But They have all done so without publicly debating the cornerstone of this agreement, which is the amnesty bill.. A secrecy that the future opposition makes ugly and that plunges millions of citizens into confusion. Of course, if this bill assumes the story of what happened in Catalonia in recent years that is included in the agreement between Junts and the PSOE or incorporates the concept of ‘lawfare’, militants, sympathizers and voters of the PSOE and Sumar They will swell, as some have already done in the PP demonstrations, the ranks of those who already describe it as a coup against the rule of law. Sánchez’s candidacy is legitimate, as are the demonstrations against it, while ensuring the legality of what becomes the law of the agreement corresponds to Congress, the ordinary courts and the Constitutional Court. Sánchez should take note of what the street is telling him and Feijóo should know how to defend him in the institutions.
