The PP abstains in the second anti-crisis package due to Sánchez’s “rectifications”

Act at 18:02


The popular go from the vote against the April decree to abstention now, by agreeing with the reduction of VAT on electricity and the aid of 200 euros

The PP spoke of “patch after patch”, of “botched”, of “populist turn” of the Executive… But in the end it turned around. Decided to abstain from the validation of the second anti-crisis royal decree law, the one that extends the discount on gasoline, the one that reduces train passes by 50%, the one that grants a check for 200 euros to the most vulnerable people and the one that lowers the VAT on the electricity bill from 10% to 5 %. His vote, however, was not decisive.because the text had already been saved by the Executive with the help of its partners, although not only, because groups such as Ciudadanos had also migrated to abstention.

The popular deputy Jaime de Olano delivered a very harsh speech this Thursday on the rostrum in Congress, on the third and last day of the debate on the state of the nation, caricaturing the decree law as ‘sustain it and do not amend it’, as a continuation of the same “failed” policies of the first text promoted by the Government to deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine. He laughed like this at the “sum and go” enunciated by Minister Félix Bolaños, who minutes before had highlighted how the Executive of Pedro Sánchez continues to work to protect the “middle and working classes.” From his words, it almost seemed to be understood that the PP would vote no again. But sources from the leadership of his party pointed out later that the Popular Group abstained due to the “corrections” of the Government.
