The posters in support of Cristina Kirchner took over the networks

The networks were filled with political posters in support of Cristina Kirchnerafter the Federal Oral Court 2 of Comodoro Py disseminate the grounds for the vice president’s sentence: six years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding office. With slogans such as “Cristina is innocent” or “With Cristina everything, without Cristina nothing”, accompanied by photos and images with the silhouette of the vice president, the posters were used by militants to express their rejection.

But they were also used by officials, such as the national director of Migrations, Florence Carignano, and former Minister of Science, Roberto Salvarezzathey used the hashtag #EnoughOfProscription to tweet a sign that read “Let’s go forward with Cristina President.” And it is that the posters not only express the rejection of the Frenteto electorate to what they denounce as a “proscription” to the vice president, but also to promote her candidacy for the 2023 presidential election.

christina poster


christina poster

christina poster

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