The portfolio of lawyers is tested… in the court: “Hij ontkende eerst alles” | Bruges

Opvallende diefstal in Brugge. A man went there in the middle of the day with the portfolio of an advocate … in the middle of the law bank. The person and advocate Mieke Byttebier has a rusty and comfortable home. De politie kon uiteindelijk twee suspected klissen.

No, really slim can the two of them try out the toeslaan in the law bank of Brugge no time. He was lying as a result of doing a few rounds at 13 o’clock and thought that something had come at that moment. Advocate Mieke Byttebier is standing on the watch in a collegiate manner in the hair files on the window bank. Bovenaan lay hair portfolio. “Omdat we op weg waren om iets ta gaan eten,” says meester Byttebier. “I’ve got a copy of the files, the plots are very good and the items are always open.”

The advocate zag op hetzelfde moment no one wanders away towards the right – lopen deed de man niet. There are a lot of puzzle pieces in Elkaar. Byttebier spoke in a vroeg of his hair portfolio had been stolen. “I would like to see you again. Hij ontkende real.”

(Les verder onder de photo)

Advocate Mieke Byttebier © Benny Proot

Ondertussen was he as a person from the onthaal en de handleie ter plaatse come the man backerna liepen. The suspected wander was first directed at the uitgang om uiteindelijk terug te keren en rijting de toiletten te wandelen. Wellight knows the suspicions toen al dat hij geen kant sea op kon. Toen hij terug buiten de toiletten was also de politie ondertussen gearriveerd. The stolen portfolio was counter-suggested in the herentoilets. They had dumped them there. The politics also included two suspected climaxes. The compaan zat on the toilet zelf and will even be remembered and meegenomen for verhoor.

As I had already seen, my portfolio was well worth the effort

Advocate Mieke Byttebier

Bij de Brugse politie confirm ze de aangifte and that he has an onderzoek loopt. “Twee suspects are arrested in the just building. Het verdere onderzoek loopt”, shows the words.

Mieke Byttebier is vooral blij the ze hair portfolio terug heeft én is the medewerkers van the Rechtbank grateful for a quick response and quick opt-out. “As each battle offer was worded in a diestal voelt that vies,” says Byttebier. “When I had everything I had, my portfolio was well worth the effort.”
