The Pope attends an event in a wheelchair for the first time

05/05/2022 at 16:02


Pope Francis used a wheelchair this Thursday to get to the Vatican’s Paul VI hall for the XXII Plenary Assembly of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), because of the severe pain in his right knee that has prevented him from walking to meet with the participants.

The Pope arrived in wheelchair pushed by one of his assistants, as can be seen in the photos that the participants in the hearing posted on social networks.

Knee pain gives Francis no respite, who again apologized this Wednesday for not being able to greet the faithful at the general audience and said he hoped it would go away soon.

Images during the audience showed the Argentine pope standing up and walking with great difficulty. and with the help of two people.

As he also recently revealed, the doctor had advised him not to walk these days and also explained in a recent interview that he was going to receive infiltrations to mitigate the pain.

In recent weeks, he has suspended his schedule for a few days to undergo medical tests and this problem forced him not to officiate some rites during the past Holy Week.

At the beginning of April, during his apostolic trip to malt, could not go down the stairs of the plane for the first time and resorted to an elevator. According to some media, if the situation is not resolved, they think of a operationalthough it will be the last of the remedies.

But this mobility problems of the Pope worry about the next trips that he will have to face, such as the one to Lebanon in mid-June or the one in early July to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan or Canada at the end of that month.
