The Poll: The most important thing for my happiness is

Today is the World Day of Happiness! As a result, American scientists compile the World Happiness Report every year. The scientists compile the ranking based on six important factors: social support, income, health, freedom, generosity and the absence of corruption. We are very curious what makes you happy?

For the sixth year in a row, Finland is at the top of the ranking, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Israel, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg and New Zealand. Belgium is in 17th place, after Germany and ahead of the Czech Republic. Our country has moved up 2 steps in the ladder of happiness this year. People are most unhappy in Afghanistan and Lebanon, reports Newspaper.

What do you think?

Fun fact: March 20 is quite interesting astronomically. The earth is then in balance: day and night are exactly the same length, because the sun is exactly in line with the equator. Activities that promote bonding and togetherness are extra welcome. We are very curious about what or who makes you happy? And does that change as you get older? Is it the little things that matter?
