The Poll: Men with beards are great!

Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands on Saturday. The man of gifts, but also the man with perhaps the longest beard in – at least – the province! Today we would like to know what you think of men with beards. Because a survey among recruitment agencies shows that almost half would rather hire a man with a beard than a man without. Our statement is: men with beards are great!

If you look for information about beards, men with beards appear to be the subject of several scientific research. This shows that bearded people generally appear more attractive, more mature and more reliable. Politician Frans Timmermans, for example, has been growing his beard for years, although his wife doesn’t like it.

We also think that men with beards are healthier and have better genes than beardless men. What do you think? Are men with beards great and cut out for a job with authority?
