The Poll: I can text just fine in traffic

More and more people are using their phones in traffic. This is apparent from research by insurer Interpolis. 71.5 percent of Dutch people sometimes use their mobile phone while cycling or driving a car RTLNews

The percentage of young people who sometimes reach for their mobile phone during traffic is much higher. About 85 percent of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 use their mobile phone in traffic.

social norm

Interpolis behavioral scientist Patty Jansen warns that the social norm for young people is very important for their own behaviour: “We know, for example, that the more often parents use their mobile phone in traffic, the more often their children do too. It is up to us together to not to let it be normal for us to use our phones when we participate in traffic.”


As of March 1, 2022, the fine for holding and using a mobile phone while drive a car increased to 350 euros. Who on the bicycle is caught with a mobile in hand can expect a print of 140 euros.

What do you think?

Do you app in the car or on the bike? Or are you really annoyed by your fellow road users who can’t ignore their phones? Let us know!
