The Poll: all cats are required to wear a bell when they come outside

The municipality of Amsterdam wants cat owners to only let their pets outside with a bell or a collar around the neck. The measure is intended to protect the birds in the city against the more predatory types among the domestic cats. Do you think this is a good idea or should cats be able to hunt?

Almost a quarter of households in our country have a cat. Although there are many rules and obligations surrounding other (domestic) animals, there are very few rules for cats. The municipality of Amsterdam now wants to change this because the creatures cause a lot of damage to nature. The meowing housemates are of course sweet and cuddly at home on the couch, but outside some cats turn into true killing machines. Research shows that 18 million birds fall prey to Dutch domestic and stray cats every year.

Castrating, sterilizing and chipping

In addition to the bell and collar, there will also be a campaign to remind cat owners of the importance of neutering or sterilizing and chipping their pet. Captured stray cats will no longer be released into environmentally sensitive areas.
