The Police prevented an assault on the Prado Museum against the NATO summit

07/01/2022 at 02:00


21 activists were identified when they tried to enter the building and reach the “Las Meninas” room

The National Police prevented, before it happened, what was going to be the most striking action against the NATO summit. group activists XR (Extinction Rebellion) Y Youth for Climate They intended to enter the Prado Museum and carry out a protest action against the meeting of the political-military alliance in Madrid.

His intention, as CASO ABIERTO, the investigation and events channel of Prensa Ibérica, has learned, was to access the room during the summit where he is the painting “Las Meninas” by Velázquezthe same place where the photo of the gala dinner of the heads of government took place on Wednesday.

One woman, 40 tickets

Agents from the Information and Citizen Security Brigade participated in the operation, which took place on Thursday, April 23. Initially, the activists planned to access the Prado during the NATO summit, but they decided to advance the date days before it began to avoid the greatest deployment of security; Ultimately they did not achieve their goal.

The alarm went off, according to police sources, when a woman bought 40 tickets to access the museum. The deployed device made it possible to identify 21 activists when they were already available to enter the Prado. When searching them, the agents found masks and banners. Other sources speak of them wearing paint cans.

The plan

The intention of the XR activists was, according to police sources, dissolve into groups around the museum and star finally a non-violent action in the Las Meninas room, but the Prado was already protected by the police, in fact it permanently has a police station inside the Museum.

The members of XR had more luck and more facilities a few days later, on Monday the 27th, when some thirty of them managed to enter the Reina Sofía museum and put on a performance in the room of Picasso’s “Guernica”. On that occasion, the activists collapsed on the ground pretending to be dead. Four of them, dressed in gala, toasted with banners that read “War is the death of Art” and “Here the lords of war will meet.”

XR protest action at the Reina Sofía museum | / EUROPE PRESS

Extinction Rebellion or XR is an environmental group that fights against climate change and the passivity of governments. He was born in England, where on October 7, 2019 more than 500 people tried occupy and paralyze London City Airport, sitting for three days at the departure and arrival gates. His symbol is an hourglass and his slogan against climate change is “time is running out”. They claim to distinguish themselves from other groups such as Ecologists in Action and Greenpeace, of whom they affirm that they “are already part of the choir.”


In Spain it had its debut in December 2019, during the climate summit that was held in Madrid. A spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in Spain then explained to EL PERIÓDICO that “we are a non-violent movement. We know that we are being scrutinized by the police, but we have nothing to hide.” They defend the ADNV (non-violent direct actions)although they warn their followers that “let’s break some laws”.

Police sources already indicated then that “they are well organized, they move through Telegram according to the starling theory. An ideologue guides everyone and makes the preparations, but on the day of the action someone else is in charge of telling the rest what to do, they follow him without asking. This guarantees opacity, security and discretion”. The place and purpose of the Non-Violent Disobedience Action is revealed at the last moment. In the case of the Prado Museum, the police were waiting for them.
