The Pnrr? Over one in 4 Italians has never heard of it

Pnrr, this unknown for more than one in 4 Italians. Despite being at the center of the national debate, 28% of Italians (women and young people in the first place) do not know the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) even by hearsay. For 43% of citizens, the communication of the Plan by the institutions was “insufficient and unclear” and only 1 in 10 believe that the NRR has been explained effectively. Anyone who knows the contents of the NRP, however, recognizes the role of the Public Administration as the implementing body and at the same time recipient of the interventions for innovation.

These are the data from the second edition of the Public Administration Observatory “Public Administration facing the challenges of innovation”, created by Fpa, a company of the Digital360 Group, in collaboration with the Piepoli Institute through a survey conducted on a sample of 1,023 people, representative of the Italian population. The data also show that for 80% of Italians the digitization of the PA is good for citizens and businesses, while on the smart working front almost half of the interviewees consider it an opportunity to improve the efficiency of public administrations.

Insufficient communication on the Pnrr

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is known mainly by men (79%), by the over 55 (75%) and by citizens residing in north-eastern Italy (77%). Only 13% of the interviewees believe that the communication activity of the NRP was carried out with clarity and transparency. Most, 44%, think it is sufficient but can be improved, 43% consider it insufficient, considering a strong campaign to raise awareness among citizens is necessary. Although the less young are the most informed, they are also the most convinced of the poor quality of the information disclosed on the NRP.

Simplification is the first objective of the PA

Among the modernization interventions of the Public Administration, the main one is the simplification of administrative processes for citizens and businesses, indicated as a priority by 40% of Italians. In second place are recruitments and the revision of insolvency procedures, to encourage the entry of new talents (28%), then the digitization of the Public Administration (19%) and the training of employees for the development of new skills (13%) ).

More modern pa with smart working

The smart working imposed by the pandemic is considered an opportunity for a more efficient and modern administration by 49% of the population. The least convinced are those over 55, who still reach 43%. 32% of Italians, on the other hand, believe that agile work in the Public Administration can facilitate opportunistic behaviors and absenteeism, while 19% consider it irrelevant. In recent months, however, the government has pushed for a return to work in the presence; according to most of the Italians (43%) behind this choice there is the fear of not being able to guarantee citizens services of adequate quality. Especially the 18-34 year-olds and those from central Italy are convinced of this. 36%, on the other hand, are convinced that the reason is linked to the impossibility of directly controlling the work of employees.


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