The player who came out of the closet took a stand on the NHL’s actions – “Depressing”

Luke Prokop is disappointed with the NHL.

Luke Prokop became the first active NHL contract player to come out as gay. Illustration image. PDO

Ice hockey player Luke Procopius20, has taken a stand on the Pride commotion raging in the NHL.

Prokop came out about his homosexuality in July 2021. At that time, he became the first active NHL contract player to come out publicly about his homosexuality. He has a contract with the Nashville Predators.

Thus, he has been an important role model for many young people. Prokop writes on his Twitter account that he is disappointed that the NHL has taken steps backwards in accepting diversity.

In January, the Russian defender Ivan Provorov refused to attend the Pride night. He refused to warm up wearing a Flyers bunt in Pride colors. He appealed to religious reasons.

Last weekend the San Jose Sharks goaltender James Reimer also refused this and also cited religious reasons.

It has been depressing for Prokop to see how the discussion caused by these negative decisions by the players has taken attention away from what should be important.

– Pride nights and shirts play an important role in promoting and honoring the LGBTQIA community and it’s disheartening to see that some teams no longer wear them (shirts) or celebrate their importance. At the same time, the focus of others has been on the players who do not participate instead of focusing on the purpose of these evenings, Prokop wrote on his account.

Pride nights are important

After his announcement, Prokop received a lot of support and admiration. It also resulted in a $100,000 donation from the NHL to LGBTQIA+ organizations.

The NHL itself has now explained that the league’s players are free to decide what they support and what they don’t.

– Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and I think it is important to notice the difference between supporting the community and respecting individuals. Pride nights are essential steps towards greater acceptance and understanding in hockey, and I firmly believe that we can create an environment where every player can bring their authentic self to the game if we prioritize diversity, Prokop wrote.

– As someone who wants to play in the NHL one day, I want to enter the locker room one day knowing that I can share all parts of my identity with my teammates, Prokop continued.

The Nashville Predators drafted Prokop in the third round of the 2020 draft.

According to Sportsnet, Prokop’s family was worried about the player’s chances of chasing his dream in a sport that isn’t always so willing to take everyone along.

– One of my fears was that when a player is reserved and on the right track, can this (announcement) have a negative effect when trying to chase his dream? Will you then have the same fair chance as many others?, Prokop’s father said at the time.

Prokop has played in the WHL and ECHL this season.

In the ranks of the WHL club Seattle Thunderbirds, he has scored 4+17 power points this season.

– Although there is still a lot to be done to make hockey available to everyone, I am optimistic that we can achieve change and I am committed to being a part of it, he concludes his text.
