The play that laughs at the fear of death

The former Simulator, martin seefeldWith Luly Droszdek and Gaston Torello are part of the cast of Holterwhich can be enjoyed in the legendary Piccadilly Theatre, located at Avenida Corrientes 1524 in the city of Buenos Aires.

The music hall written by Martín Seefeld, Sol Levinton, and Sebastián Meschengieserwhich has the address of Daniel Fernandez, it tries to go through and rethink life with humor and depth through monologues, music and dance. Living together, children, achievements, frustrations and fears, is part of the metaphor that exposes the issues that hit the heart.

“It is a show of various genres because it has monologues, dance, fictional scenes and it is all linked. It forces you to reflect on the life we ​​live today, because it has to do with long-term marriage, with adolescents, the relationship with fears, finitude… It is a structure that has a lot of humor, but, at the same time, time, enormous depth and emotion,” said martin seefled to the media at its summer premiere in Uruguay.

In the setting, a certain attraction and an unavoidable comparison invades the viewer when appreciating that the protagonist must be fitted with a Holter monitor to monitor his heart throughout the transit of the day. In this way, the character is taking note of each event and noting if he perceives any sensation. That day will become a combo and a whirlpool of reflections, memories, worries and, above all, the fear of death.


“I play four completely different characters. All the people who see this show will identify themselves. Yes or yes, because we are all children, spouses, parents… They are very intimate connections and show situations in which one sees oneself reflected. When Martín proposed to me to be in this project, I read the book and I thought it was spectacular: it is deep and simple at the same time, because it reaches a very intimate point”, he highlighted Luly Drozdek to the media at the time of the premiere. An invitation to the reality and humor of life.

by RN

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