The planometer | Giant food in Barcelona and restaurants to survive Primavera Sound

it is already Friday, Yeah. How was your week? I hope less messed up than that of Mail receiving vote petitions. What an experience that vote in summerhuh? They have already announced on Twitter that the electoral envelopes stained with red of summer will be worth two. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to it July. And you know.

To the mess: how are you doing Primavera Sound hangovers? Do you need a right now? garbage truck for your tongue? Come on, go recharge your batteries. We have made a selection of restaurants for festival goers: terraces where to regain strength, miraculous hangover remedies and fast food gourmet for those in a hurry.

whatYou want to have a great time? Order these XXXL plates. Is not a homer simpsons dreamit’s the latest trend on TikTok: finish so stuffed of food as of elections. You laugh at the banquets of the Gallic village of asterix. Three days in Barcelona and Obelix would ask for an Almax. You can find 2 kilo cinnamon rolls, table size burgers, 1 meter durums, croissants to lick your elbows, sandwiches that they could invade a city like Godzilla. That there’s not eggsyou say? Circulate through the cards Potato tortilla sandwich of a dozen!

Here are the best plans for this week, 160 free activities on terraces and even a pizza festival. You need a original plan for your Tinder date? It remains in a salt cave. would you rather a hotter experience? Fly over Barcelona on the back of a dragon. you still don’t know what to eat? Order a curry at Casa Masala. what do you want to try an authentic french restaurant? In this the waiters treat you with superiorityyou pay a pastureland and you come home with hunger. A purely Parisian experience.

If right now you have fewer neurons than homer simpsonthen click here below: we also have a crystal ball. We will recommend a plan according to the incapacity of your neurons.

Bored? Indecisive? New in town? Would you feel capable of facing a call from Vodafone this weekend?

Hit the planometer and we will recommend a plan with which to be more entertained than the emeritus in Abu Dhabi.

Still don’t have enough? Search our ‘top 150’: there are the best tortillas, viral churrerías, ‘hot spots’ to pose above your possibilities. And if you want to receive all these plans every week in your mail without ruffling your hair, then sign up for the On Barcelona Newsletter. They say that if you check in in front of a mirror at midnight, Pocholo appears and takes you to a party.

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Beware of the air fryer cult. See you tomorrow at the Spring. I hope no one make you green level Ana Rosa.
