The planet will warm 3.2 degrees this century, warns the UN


Act at 09:43


“Human-caused climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption to nature and is affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce risks”has warned the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The experts demand that the states “much firmer” environmental policies and “immediate and more ambitious” actions.because if the current level of greenhouse gas emissions continues, temperatures will continue to rise beyond 2025, which may lead to a global warming of up to 3.2 degrees in the year 2100despite the fact that the goal is not to exceed 1.5 degrees.

All this with an aggravating circumstance: people and ecosystems that have the least capacity to respond are the most affectedscientists say in the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (UN).

“This report carries a serious warning about the consequences of inaction & rdquor ;, says Hoesung Lee, Chairman of the IPCC, as it shows that climate change constitutes “an increasingly serious threat to our well-being and the health of the planet”.

“The actions taken today will determine how people adapt and how nature responds to increasing climate risks,” adds Lee.

In the next two decades, the planet will face various unavoidable weather hazards with global warming of 1.5°C. Even if this warming level is temporarily exceeded, “additional serious impacts, some of which will be irreversible& rdquor ;, according to scientists.

Food and hybrid insecurity

Risks to society will increase, particularly to low-lying coastal infrastructure and settlements. It’s already happening: the increase in heat waves, droughts and floods has already exceeded the tolerance thresholds of plants and animalsand has caused the mass mortality of various species, such as trees and corals.

Flooding caused by Hurricane ‘Grace’ in 2021 in Mexico. | Agencies

These extreme weather events also occur simultaneously, which generates cascading impacts that are becoming increasingly difficult to control. “Due to these phenomena, millions of people have been exposed to acute food and water insecurityespecially in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, as well as on small islands and the Arctic & rdquor ;, collects the report.

In order to avoid further loss of life, biodiversity and infrastructure, it is necessary to “urgently take ambitious measures to adapt to climate change and, at the same time, achieve rapid and steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions& rdquor ;, point out the IPCC experts.

According to this new report, progress on adaptation is uneven, and the gaps between the measures adopted and what is needed to face the growing risks are “deepening.” Furthermore, these gaps are greater among lower-income populations.

The report acknowledges the interdependence of climate, biodiversity and people. “It emphasizes the urgent need to take action to address climate risks. It is no longer possible to continue with half measures& rdquor ;, indicates Lee.

Various options exist to adapt to a changing climate, and report provides new insights into the possibilities nature offers to reduce climate risks and, at the same time, improve people’s lives.

Restore degraded ecosystems

“Healthy ecosystems are more resilient to climate change and provide essential services for life, such as the supply of food and clean water,” says Hans-Otto Pörtner, co-chair of IPCC Working Group II.

“To the restore degraded ecosystems and conserve, effectively and equitably, between 30% and 50% of terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats, society can benefit from the nature’s ability to absorb and store carbonand we can accelerate progress towards sustainable development, but it is essential to have the adequate financial and political support& rdquor ;, highlights.

Fire on the island of Euboea in Greece, in 2021. | dpa / Mario Lolos

Scientists point out that climate change interacts with different global trends, such as unsustainable consumption of natural resources, increasing urbanization, social inequalities, loss and damage caused by extreme events and the pandemicwhich endangers future development.

“Our assessment clearly indicates that, in order to respond to these different challenges, it is necessary for everyone – governments, the private sector and civil society – to work together to prioritize risk reduction, as well as equality and justice in life. decision-making and investments & rdquor ;, says Debra Roberts, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group II.

By bringing together scientific and technological expertise and indigenous and local knowledge, solutions will be more effective. If we do not achieve sustainable and climate-resilient development, we will have a future for people and nature that is far from optimal & rdquor ;, he adds.

A global challenge with local solutions

The report provides a detailed assessment of the impacts and risks of climate change, as well as the adaptation in citieswhere more than half of the world’s population lives.

People’s health, lives and livelihoods, as well as essential assets and infrastructure, including energy and transportation systems, are increasingly harmed by hazards from heat waves, storms, droughts and floodsas well as slowly evolving changes, for example, the Rising sea levels.

Increasing urbanization and climate change together create complex risksespecially in those cities that already have poorly planned urban growth, high levels of poverty and unemployment, and a lack of basic services & rdquor ;, adds Roberts.

Effects of climate change in the Northeast Greenland National Park. | dpa / Mario Lolos

“However, cities also provide opportunities for climate action: Green buildings, a reliable supply of clean water and renewable energy, as well as sustainable transport systems that connect urban and rural areas can contribute to a more inclusive and fair society”.

Climate change is “a global challenge that requires local solutions”. For this reason, the report provides comprehensive regional information that facilitates climate-resilient development.

Adequate financing, technology transfer, political commitment and partnerships increase the effectiveness of climate change adaptation and emission reductions, the report’s authors emphasize.

“The scientific evidence is unequivocal: climate change is a threat to the well-being of humanity and the health of the planet. If concerted global action continues to be delayed, the short and rapidly shrinking timeframe available to us to secure a decent future will run out,” concludes Pörtner.

IPCC Report (in English):
