‘The pet on the ball? Fake!’

Patty Brard has seen the images of André Hazes Jr. giving his scandal mother Rachel Hazes a pat on the head, but she is not convinced. “I still don’t believe it.”


It seems that Rachel Hazes is taking a different tack now that all the hassle within the family is having an increasing impact on the perception of the ‘Hazes’ brand and therefore her income. She has started a real charm offensive: last week she handed out croquettes to her crew and now it would suddenly be true peace and fear with son André jr.


André Jr. made his comeback on stage at the Holland Zingt Hazes concert on Friday evening. When he walks past his mother Rachel, with whom he has had less contact for months, while singing, he gives her a pat on the head (see below). If this is also part of the charm offensive, then it will not miss its effect.

Shownieuws star Dyantha Brooks likes it: “Can I also say that I find this very touching? Of course there is a lot to do about Rachel. Whether you’re in favor or not, you can really see how it touches her that her son kind of reassures her like, hey, mom, we’re okay. I think that is a very nice image to see.”

‘Do not believe it’

Colleague Patty Brard is suspicious of the authenticity of this moment. She says in the show section on SBS 6: “I also think it’s a very nice image to see, I just still don’t believe it. Well, that’s another matter.”

She continues: “We interviewed him yesterday and thirty men walked around with video cameras for a new documentary. Then I think: well, that’s another nice shot. We also repeat it twice. We’re not all there yet, are we guys? It’s all still going on.”

“When this is over!”

With the latter, Patty refers to the rumors that André will join the legal battle that his sister Roxeanne is waging against their mother after the Holland Zingt Hazes concerts. She turns out to be a fake heir and may have millions of assets that should actually belong to André and Rox.

André has told several media outlets this weekend that he will stay out of this inheritance issue: “No, definitely. I stay out there.”

Patty isn’t so sure. “Yes, but listen: if you are now performing at a concert organized by your mother, you are not going to say: ‘When this is over, then…’”

Colleague Bart Ettekoven thinks that André really looks like this. “Otherwise he would have left it a little more in the middle. He said it resolutely and confidently.”


André also indicated that he still has no contact with his sister. To RTL Boulevard: “No, not yet.”

Reporter Aran Bade thinks the reunion between André and Rachel is real. “Those two came together a bit last night, I noticed. In fact, Roxeanne is a bit left out. He says he wants to remain neutral, but if you ask me, he really sides with Rachel.”

André himself jokes in front of De Telegraaf’s camera: “Of course I’m still nice to her, because I want to inherit it all at some point!”


The fragment in which André pats his mother on the head (click three times to the right):
