The person who made bomb complaints against the Israeli Embassy was arrested

The Investigation Superintendence of the Argentine Federal Policethrough its Department of Anti-Terrorist Unit, carried out a raid on a home in the Buenos Aires town of Don Torcuato, Tigre Party, achieving the arrest of an adult male person. At this time, the identity of the suspect was not released.

The procedure was carried out within the framework of an investigation originated by a series of intimidating messages received by the different official email accounts of the embassies of United States of America, Israel, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Iran, and the Delegation of the European Union, happened at the beginning of the month. The same person responsible for the bomb threats that occurred in the Embassies of the United States and Israel.

In general, the common denominator of these messages consisted specifically of bomb threats made to the different diplomatic headquarters, accompanied by threats towards the different officials of the embassies. To effectively determine that the IP used in the emails matched the suspect’s address, the Anti-Terrorist Investigation Unit Department requested the collaboration of the Specialized Fiscal Unit in Cybercrime.

Given this information, and established that the IP was the suspect’s home, the Court issued a search and arrest warrant for the subject involved, with the suspect being housed in the Alcaidía Division of the Superintendency of Federal Investigations. He National Criminal and Federal Correctional Court no. 12, in charge of Dr. Ariel Lijoacts in the cause.

The arrest was made in the Tigre district

At the scene, evidentiary material was seized for the investigation, among which stood out cell phones, notebooks; pendrives, among other storage devices for their respective expertise. It is estimated that the various evidence managed to identify the person or persons suspected of sending the intimidating messages.

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