The penalty bug that makes it impossible to displace the goalkeeper in FIFA 23

Players who started their climb in FIFA 23 have discovered a curious bug that makes goalkeepers unbeatable on penalties.

The early days of soccer games, and sports in general, are always quite fun to watch because they are stuffed with bugs, and FIFA 23 is no exception. While the development team continues to work to reduce the number as soon as possible, as evidenced by the first update, there are more disparate and hilarious ones online. One of these concerns the penalty kicks that, sometimes, I can present unbeatable goalkeepers … or almost.

The bug on FIFA 23 –

As witnessed by a series of videos shared on Reddit, (what is assumed to be) a bug sees the goalkeepers dive in the wrong direction and then jump unnaturally on their own legs, and, in doing so, avoid being blown away by the measure of the penalty. In the video below, the protagonist of this curious animation is Péter Gulácsi, the extreme defender of Leipzig, who shows his incredible reflexes – obviously, the Hungarian should not be offended, dictated by a FIFA 23 glitch and not by his natural skills. . Moreover, we reported it in our review, goalkeepers are far from flawless in the game, especially when they are between their posts.

Gulacsi with 100 reflexes from FIFA

“Weakened” penalties –

The problem is not so much dictated by the animation itself, but by the possibility for some players, taking advantage of this hole, to change the direction of the goalkeeper’s dive after having already impressed it in the designated time window. In a match between two human players, therefore, it would be practically impossible to displace a goalkeeper or even score a penalty kick in these conditions, and it is therefore plausible that EA Sports is already working to solve this problem. Curiously, the penalties were at the center of some changes in the first update of FIFA 23, but in the opposite direction: in fact, the penalties placed in the yellow and red windows of the “ring” at the foot of the penalty taker were made less effective.

06 October 2022 (change 06 October 2022 | 16:32)
