The Peiling: my Christmas tree is already up

Christmas comes early this year! We still have to celebrate Sinterklaas evening, but there are already people who have the Christmas tree. Christmas tree sellers have seen a trend since corona. We are looking for the cosiness of Christmas lights and Christmas trees earlier and earlier. What about you? Is the Christmas tree up or are you waiting until after Sinterklaas?

Recently, the sale of Christmas trees has started again. This is a lot earlier than a few years ago. Since the corona period people are more likely to bring a tree into their home. Two years ago people had much more time and we decided en masse to get the Christmas tree in the house earlier. Previously, the week before Christmas was the time to bring the Christmas tree into your home. Nowadays it starts earlier, but the real peak crowds are still just after Sinterklaas.

To water

Today, the Nordmann Christmas tree is very popular with buyers, because it stays good for a long time and few needles fall out. This is extra useful for people who choose to put up the tree extra early. The needles of a Nordmann also prick less than an old-fashioned tree. If you keep watering the tree, it will stay good until after Christmas.
