The Peiling: I can get by just fine

North Hollanders are very concerned about whether they or others can still make ends meet due to the rising prices. This is evident from extensive research by Kieskompas commissioned by NH Nieuws. According to experts, it is because all layers of the population are now affected. From low to middle incomes. Groceries are more expensive and the prices for gas and electricity are high.

The past few months did NH News together with Kieskompas, large-scale research into topics that are currently on the agenda among North Hollanders. More than forty percent of the North Hollanders indicate that they are concerned about their finances, both for themselves and for others. In particular, North Hollanders between the ages of 18 and 34 and residents with a lower education view the affordability of life as one of the most important themes at the moment.

According to Anna Custers, professor of Poverty Interventions at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, almost everyone’s wallet is currently being hit. From low to middle incomes. But, according to Custers, that is not the only thing: “Money worries create more uncertainty, tensions within the family and a worse night’s sleep. It has more social impact than just the household book.” According to the poverty expert, the cause of inflation is currently due to the increased energy prices, which are having an impact on all kinds of areas. “This makes both food and childcare more expensive.”

What do you think?

Can you still get by? Are you concerned about your financial situation? Or about those of your loved ones?
