The patriarch, the previews of the third episode: plot and cast

L‘advancing disease, the economic instability of the Deep Sea, the children unable to take the reins and the inspector on his heels. For Nemo Bandera, the protagonist of the series The Patriarch, in the third episode airing tonight at 21.45 on Channel 5 hard times come. The dual conduct of loving father and unscrupulous businessman begins to take its toll. And it is said that he will be able to settle it without consequences.

The Patriarchthe plot of the third episode

Nemo (Claudio Amendola) has to choose more and more carefully who to trust. His son Carlo (Carmine Bruschini) has shown that he is unable to manage the Deep Sea. Nina (Giulia Schiavo) does not seem particularly interested in taking over the reins of the company, or at least she does not show it openly.

So Nemo trusts Malcolm more and more (Carlo Calderone)entrusting him with important responsibilities, which effectively place him in the company structure. Mario doesn’t like the choice at all (Raniero Monaco di Lapio), who feels defrauded of the title of godson. Above all, he understands that the road to take control of the company becomes more and more tortuous.

Furthermore, he is convinced that Malcolm is using Lara (Neva Leoni) “how I’m using Nina”, referring to the clandestine relationship he has been carrying on for some time with Bandera’s daughter, for the sole purpose of appropriating the company. However, the partner Elisa (Giulia Bevilacqua) reminds him not to let an accountant “put your foot on your head”.

The diabolical plan of Elisa and Mario

Elisa knows that Mario is not smart enough and strategist like her and that the only way to achieve their goal is to knock Nemo offside. So he delivers a master stroke: he follows the suggestion of his partner and runs for mayor of Levante. In doing so, she openly stands up against the Bandera family. If elected, the Patriarch will no longer have a free field for his affairs and it will be easier to get to the Deep Sea.

However, it is probable that the diabolical pact will encounter obstacles. In the second episode she had communicated to Mario that she was pregnant, but her boyfriend’s reaction had been rather cold. The affair with Nina is really just a shortcut to power or is a deep feeling arising between the two?

Giulia Bevilacqua (Elisa) and Raniero Monaco di Lapio (Mario) in the series “Il Patriarca”. (Mediaset)

Meanwhile, Lara starts working in a factory, but soon loses her job. Her father’s company is going through a far from thriving economic situation and Mario suggests closing down the very factory where Nemo’s daughter works. Bandera tries to dissuade him, but the lawyer doesn’t hear reasons and, in the end, opts for closure.

Meanwhile Nemo, cornered, look for the fastest solution to replenish the Deep Sea’s coffers: deliver a new shipment of drugs, provided it is the last. Will he then be able to truly say he is out of the drug trafficking ring? While he’s good at knocking anyone who gets in his way offside, he has to watch his back from enemy number one: Monterosso (Primo Reggiani). In the previous episode, the inspector called him “a monster who doesn’t need to disguise himself and sooner or later I’ll catch him”. Will he really succeed?

Claudio Amendola is Nemo Bandera in the series “The Patriarch”. (Mediaset)

Does the Patriarch confess his secret?

In the family, things are no better. It is understood a fight with Serena (Antonia Liskova) and Nemo talks about it with Ferro (Michele De Virgilio). “He didn’t speak to me at breakfast,” he vents. “Everyone forgives, you just have to wait”suggests the trusted collaborator, but Nemo reminds him that time “It’s the only thing I don’t have”.

Finally he passes out. To find him, lying on the floor of his studio, is Serena. Alzheimer’s is upon us and maybe it’s time to play cards face up. Will he confess to illness? And especially, what will happen when the family discovers his dual identity as a respected businessman and dangerous drug trafficker?

“The Patriarch”, Neva Leoni is Lara. (Mediaset)

Who is Neva Leoni?

Among the characters stands out Lara, the first daughter of Bandera, played by Neva Leoni. Born in 1992 in Rome, he made his film debut at the age of sixteen in the movie Italian dreamfollowed by – among others – Parents & Children – Shake well before use, All Freud’s fault, I stop when I want And There is no field.

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Between seriesstarred in RIS Rome – Imperfect crimes, God help us, Just for love, This love of ours 70 And 80, Ladies paradise And Hearts. She is married to Claudio Colicaby the comic duo Le Coliche.

