The Patriarch: the previews of the second episode, the plot

Sti complicate the troubles for Claudio Amendola, The Patriarch of the Canale 5 series which is back on air tonight at 21.45. Remake of Living without permission (Spanish fiction), revolves around the personal and professional life of Nemo Bandera, an esteemed and powerful Apulian entrepreneur who created his fortune thanks to illicit trafficking. Now, suffering from Alzheimer’s, he wants to leave the company to one of his three sonsbut no one is up to par. Furthermore, he is undermined by a ruthless local boss and an upright inspector.

The Patriarchthe plot of the second episode

The first episode ended with the meeting between Nemo Bandera (Amendola) and Inspector Monterosso (Primo Reggiani), who has been on his trail for some time and determined to unmask his shady dealings. «I would like to talk to you about the death of a mutual friend of ours, Inspector Franco Buscemi (Geno Diana). And now he can follow me to the police station. It was she who killed him». These are the last lines of the episode. Up until now, the entrepreneur has gotten away with it, but now it won’t be easy to free himself from any accusation, especially due to a video that captured the whole scene.

In the second episode, they find themselves face to face in the police station. Nemo answers Monterosso’s questions, providing the alibi that exonerates him: “I was at the bedside of the only woman I’ve ever loved in my life”, he says, referring to Ada, who died after a long irreversible coma. The suspects are becoming more and more insistent and even Alessandro, the boyfriend of his son Carlo (Carmine Buschini), as well as son of Buscemi, wants to see clearly.

In addition, the local newspaper continues to publish classified information that muddies the Deep Sea. Bandera orders that the journalist – who signs with the pseudonym OR – does not write a line anymore. However, he doesn’t know that the company’s lawyer, his godson Mario Rizzi (Raniero Monaco di Lapio), is behind the image destruction operation. Times are hard for Bandera. In addition to having Monterosso on his heels, he also has to watch his back from the boss Trigre (Antonio De Matteo), who tries to hit him by threatening his loved ones.

Carlo wants to win his father’s trust

At the family level, the situation is equally eventful. Lara (Neva Leoni), the daughter Ada had before marrying Serena (Antonia Liskova), establishes a rather close relationship with Malcolm (Carlo Calderone). Bandera’s new accountant, however, is not as transparent as it seems. In fact, the man is hiding a secret and it is clear that he is trying to circumvent her, but to achieve what purpose?

Meanwhile Carlo (Carmine Buschini) wants to show his father that he is ready to take over the company. Her addiction to drugs is not a good calling card, but she asks Serena for help so that she spends herself on her behalf. The promo shows mother and child together. “You will take your father’s place”she whispers in his ear. Will it really be like this?

Raniero Monaco di Lapio is Carlo Rizzi in the series “The Patriarch”. (Mediaset)

Maybe not, because in the next picture Nemo slaps Carlo. “Today I hit my son. What kind of monster am I?”he wonders. It remains to be seen why she did it and how the plot will turn.

Mario asks Nina to marry him

With regard to the other daughter, Nina (Giulia Schiavo), the matter becomes even more complicated. The clandestine relationship with Mario becomes serious and could soon become a story in the light of the sun. Rizzi pretends to be in love and asks her to marry him. In reality, she feels nothing but a great desire to take control of the Deep Sea.

Some time before he made a pact with his girlfriend Elisa (Giulia Bevilacqua): grab Bandera’s company, whatever the cost. However, his partner intimates him must be «Nina’s tutor. Not only her lover of hers ». Also, he reminds him that it won’t be easy to put Nemo offside, a man who «would sell his mother. I would prepare for the worst.” And to curb her boyfriend’s rash decisions, she makes an unexpected move.

Giulia Schiavo plays Nina Bandera. (Mediaset)

Patriarch Nemo Bandera, caring father and ruthless criminal

Neither The Patriarch Claudio Amendola – of which he also signs the direction – plays an attentive, caring father, present, determined to do everything to ensure that his sons are ready to manage the Deep Sea. Nonetheless, he is also an unscrupulous criminal. Dedicated to illicit trafficking, drug trafficking is his daily bread he is capable of anything to defend his square, even killing a man with his bare hands.

Nemo Bandera implements a constant change of register, depending on the interlocutor. In the family he is a solid man, to whom everyone can rely, especially his wife. Soon after, he’s capable of turning into a heartless boss. To keep the two sides of the coin together, a great self-control.

He never seems to give up, even when they catch him red-handed. A multifaceted character, who will give many surprises, especially as the disease progresses and no one will be able to help him hide his secret.

