The path of healing through photography

In her first exhibition as a photographer bodny rose Not only show your artbut rather shares the exquisite result of a strong introspection, an inner search that he arrived at in full pandemic and after you diagnosed cancer.

It is that far from stopping, this 53 year old doctor, decided not to stay only in that inescapable fight. In the middle of her outings to carry out the treatment, he came across a magical, beautiful, deserted city… and began to take her portraits.

“When it seemed that autumn had given me all its color, that nothingness was approaching, winter came with its wonderful shadows and the rain with its round dance. And I walked and walked, even when it was forbidden, at times at the limit of my strength, never stopping, feeling a rhythm in music, colors, literature, French…” This is how Bodni describes that state of contemplation that allowed him to rediscover himself .

The limits did not scare her. She discovered a place in the world beyond the sanatorium, the bohemian La Noire Café. She met people, she appropriated that space to unleash her creativity and embrace her passion for photography.

For this reason, it is there where, starting on Friday, March 4, you can see her exhibition entitled “I am alive and here I am”. The installation, which is curated by Vicky and Eugenia García Bouza and Magie Abásolo from GBA Estudio, has the photos for sale as well as the catalog that complements it.

bodny rose

But this artist did not get here by chance. Her work led her to connect with her roots. From her French great-grandmother she received the name of her. Her sensitivity identifies her with her grandparents: Ana Paley, who excelled in plastic arts; Horacio Buceta, in wood and Mary Hahn who studied with Alfonsina Storni.

With that legacy in her backpack, Rosa Bodni conceives a work with her own language, the one she developed on her long walks. She chooses powerful and at times dreamlike images that reveal her gaze through reflections in the water.

bodny rose

An invitation to peek into a different and surprising world, a world that dives into the secrets of the soul and from which no spectator can leave indifferent.

The sample: “I am alive and here I am”, photographs. Every day from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. until the end of April. La Noire Cafe, Bonpland 1173 CABA

Griselda Martinez

Image gallery

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