The party on Airbnb is over!

This decision was to be temporary, linked to the Covid-19 health crisis, but Airbnb has decided to make it final. It will no longer be possible to organize parties in rented accommodation on the platform, the firm announced in a statementJune 28, 2022.

How the temporary measure became final

In August 2020, Airbnb announced to users of its platform that it was forbidden to organize parties in the accommodations listed on its site. A measure taken to encourage compliance with barrier gestures and to comply with the various directives taken during the Covid-19 pandemic. This measure came in addition to the pre-existing ban on parties organized via social networks and unauthorized parties, likely to disturb the neighborhood.

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Between August 2020 and June 2022, Airbnb saw a significant drop in illegal gatherings (such as at a party), by around 40%. This was also one of the objectives announced and desired by Juliette Langlais, Director of Public Affairs Europe at Airbnb: “ Thousands of stays take place in France every night and the overwhelming majority of travelers are respectful and attentive to the neighborhood. We are committed to eliminating disrespectful behavior that has no place on Airbnb and believe these proactive measures help us achieve that goal. »

Limit hosting parties in Airbnb listings

According to the company, this temporary suspension has proven effective as 6,600 people had their accounts suspended for this reason in 2021. Based on these results, it has decided to permanently formalize the banning of parties in accommodations. offered for rent on the platform. ” We will continue to sanction anyone who does not respect these rules, which can go as far as the suspension of an ad or the deletion of the account from the platform. “says Airbnb.

This permanent ban is in addition to the various measures already taken by the company to fight against parties: preventing people under the age of 25 without a positive opinion from booking accommodation, creating a telephone help line dedicated to the neighborhood and hosts, ability for hosts to cancel a reservation without penalty if they believe a guest is planning to host a party, etc.

After experiencing a complicated 2020, Airbnb was able to prepare for its IPO more calmly by posting positive quarters throughout 2021. It started 2022 by suspending its activity in China to better focus on tourism. Chinese overseas. The firm is now considering lifting its ban on accommodating more than 16 travelers in the accommodations if they have the capacity to do so.
