The parties will receive 21,167 euros for each seat they win on Sunday in Congress and the Senate

The parties, coalitions and other candidacies will receive 21,167.64 euros for each seat of Congress and the Senate that achieve in the general elections of this Sunday.

is the same amount as in 2016 and that in the elections of April 2019, although they represent 6,350.29 euros more than in the last legislative ones, those of November 10, 2019. And it is that this subsidy was then cut by 30% to 14,817 euros as it was an electoral repetition due to lack of agreement to invest the president of the Government.

In addition, the applications will receive 81 cents for each vote to Congress that translates into seats and another 32 cents per ballot to the Senate that achieves representation, as established by the Ministry of Finance in a ministerial order.

That same document also sets the limit of electoral expenses, What is a figure is variable because it depends on the lists that are presented. For these elections, it will be the result of multiplying by 0.37 euros the number of inhabitants corresponding to the legal populations of the constituencies where each party, federation, coalition or group is present.

Subsidies for ‘mailing’

As usual, the State will also subsidize the candidacies the electoral expenses originated by the direct and personal shipping to the voters of envelopes and ballots elections or electoral propaganda and publicity.

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Specifically, 23 cents will be paid per voter in each of the constituencies in which a list has been presented to Congress and the Senate, but only those formations that achieve form will be entitled to receive this subsidy by ‘mailing’.own group in the corresponding chamber. The Treasury also clarifies that this subsidy will not be included in the limit of electoral expenses, provided that the effective carrying out of the activity is justified.

In the last legislative elections the amounts paid to the parties were lower because the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) determines that the repetition of elections due to lack of investiture entails a reduction both in subsidies and in the spending limit that the parties must comply with.
