The other founding member of the Lord received exit passports

New winds are blowing in the Lord.

Lord in 2016. Joni Haavisto

Lordi announces changes in his band’s ranks on his social media channels. Guitarist Amen aka Jussi Sydänmaa leaves the band. The decision was not made on a whim.

Amen was the second remaining founding member of the band. Now the only founding member involved in the Lord is Mr. Lordi aka Tomi Putaansuu.

– After a 25-year journey together, I asked Amen to leave the band at the end of February. The final decision was made by me, but it was not my decision alone. It was a common feeling within the band, and we all stand behind the decision, Mr. Lordi writes.

– The issue has been discussed several times in recent years.

The bulletin also explains the root cause of the changes.

– The reason for the final decision is that the mental pressure became too high for everyone. We have drifted so far apart that it can no longer be fixed, the band informs.

– The general atmosphere between Amen and the rest of us has been quite toxic at worst, and we no longer had the tools to remedy the situation.

According to Mr. Lord, attempts have been made to fix things, but it has not led to anything.

– Amen was clearly not happy playing in the band. Neither I personally nor the other members of the band enjoyed being in the same band anymore, Mr. Lordi says.

However, Mr. Lordi says Amen is still his dear and good friend.

The Lord released last November Lordiversityalbum, which actually contains seven albums. Album styles range from disco to heavy metal music.

Mr. Lordi tells in his interview with Iltalehti about his funniest gig memory.
