The opposition accuses Aragonès of turning the Government into his “electoral committee”

The opposition’s reproach has been unanimous in the Parliament: there is no group, with the exception of ERC, that does not consider that the latest changes it has made Pere Aragones in the Government respond to the fact that the “electoral mode” has been launched, despite the fact that it has taken pains to make it clear that The elections will not be until 2025. The decibels have increased to the point of accusing the president of trying to turn the Executiu into his “electoral committee”. Especially, they have delved, to place Sergi Sabria as Vice-Minister of Strategy and Communication and for elevating Vice President to Laura Vilagra instead of a counselor in charge of important matters in management.

For socialists and post-convergents, ERC’s main rivals, this third change in composition of the Government does not respond to governability, but to the interests of Aragonès after being ratified last Saturday as the party’s candidate for the next elections. elections. The leader of the PSC has been especially bitter, Salvador Illa, with whom precisely the Republicans aspire to approve the budgets. “This is a mistake of his presidency that citizens do not deserve. He is in electoral mode when he appoints his deputy as vice-minister. boss Campaign“, he blurted out, in addition to calling the movements of pieces in the executive a “trap.”

“Balances” with Junqueras

The head of the opposition has not stopped here, but in addition to pointing out that a Government with three remodelings in three years cannot be considered “stable”, he has raised the “suspicion” that the changes also respond to “balances” in ERC between him and Oriol Junqueras. “Catalonia needs someone who thinks about Catalonia and not about the party,” he declared, in addition to remembering that he continues to govern with a minority of 33 deputies and with open crises such as drought or education.

The president of the Junts parliamentary group has expressed himself in a similar way, Albert Batetwhich has also considered that the changes simply respond “to party balances” and to their electoral interests. “You have decided who will be your campaign manager and who will go number two on your list; “This does not strengthen the institutions,” said Batet, who criticized the president for not appointing a vice-councilor “for the drought or to deal with the poor results of the PISA reports.”

Junts charges against Illa’s “lifeguard”

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Furthermore, Batet has ironically stated that Aragonès has already “overcome the tripartite” with his three Government remodelings and has even asked if the new attribution of Sergi Sabria as vice-concellor it is simply “criticize Junts per Catalunya”. Some criticism from the Junts leader directed against Pere Aragonès, but which has also affected Salvador Illa. Batet has accused the PSC of being “responsible for the current situation” for act as a “lifesaver” for ERC with the budgets, the agreements in the Provincial Councils or the possibility of an agreement in the Barcelona City Council.

“Nothing can be endured”the president of En Comú Podem has also delved into the Parliament, Jessica Albiachwho has asked Aragonès directly if the decisions he makes from now on will be taken “as a candidate or as president” and if he will do it thinking about “the good of the country or the good of the party.” For the Commons, it is about “umpteenth attempt” by ERC to “raise its head” ahead of the next elections.
