“The only thing illegal is filtering audio”

Minutes after Barça squandered a good part of their remaining hopes of winning the League, Gerard Piqué He spoke on his Twitch channel. It was not to comment on the defeat of his teammates against Cádiz but to give his version of the other Barça news of the day: the audios about the commissions that Kosmos, his company, had collected for helping to bring the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia.

“Everything we’ve done is legal. I want to show my face because I have nothing to hide. It’s not that I’m hiding, it’s that I feel proud of what we’ve done in Kosmos,” said the defender after midnight. “Nothing wrong has been done, neither morally nor legally (…). The only illegal thing is to filter the audios,” he fired after considering that there is no conflict of interest. “A commercial issue has nothing to do with a result issue on the field. Can you imagine that the referees whistled for us?”, He has dealt with one of the questions.

‘El Confidencial’ had revealed early on Monday that after the negotiation between the Barcelona central defender and the president of the Federation, Luis Rubialesthe contract guaranteed the RFEF 40 million euros per edition and Kosmos four for each of the six years (24 in total).

This medium also provided the audio of the conversations between Rubiales and Pique throughout the process: «Let’s see, Rubi, if it’s a matter of money, if they [el Real Madrid] For 8 they would go, hell, man, you pay eight to Madrid and eight to Barça… the others are paid 2 and 1… There are 19, and you keep the federation for six kilos, man. Before you keep nothing, you keep six kilos. And we put pressure on Saudi Arabia and maybe we’ll get it out… We tell him that if not, Madrid won’t go… and we’ll get one more stick or two more sticks…», argued Piqué. «[El representante de Arabia Saudí] he would keep 10% of 25, two and a half, and they would pay you 22 and a half. The commission would be separate, they would pay it, don’t worry about that. He is simply saying that you consider the possibility that, instead of taking the commission out of the equation, you count on the fact that the commission is included in the price, ”he indicated to the president of the RFEF.

“The Caches, Out of Context”

The defender, who does not understand “the commotion over news that already came out in 2019”, has pointed out on Twitch that the 10% commission is a “standard market figure, according to what the agencies charge”. “Regarding the caches, it is an audio out of context. I am helping the president to find a formula for Rubiales that is logical but it is 100% the RFEF’s decision,” he added about the difference between what Madrid and Barça perceived compared to the rest .

“This gives me a couple more years”

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I hammered, that has revealed that the Barça (Joseph Maria Bartomeu) was aware of the negotiation, has valued the agreement for the Federation. “Before he wore €120,000 for the competition. Changing the format and taking it there 40 million. The Italian Federation charged seven in Saudi Arabia”, he pointed out before stating that he has no other business with the RFEF. “I don’t know if they are going for me or for the Federation, but what is clear is the bad intention of filtering the audios illegally”, he remarked before announcing that both he and Rubiales will take legal action.

After explaining that ‘El Confidencial’ notified him the week that this information would come out, he added that in the next audios some mention could appear that he made to Rubiales about trying to resort to the contacts of the king emeritus to expedite payments not received. In any case, he has wanted to make it clear that this controversy will not make him advance his retirement (“this gives me a couple of more years”) or part with Andorra. “I’m not going to stop doing things because of what people may think”, he has sentenced before closing the Twitch at 1.18. “I hope to repeat this soon but let it be for a celebration or a happier reason.”
