The only life star does not remember meeting Meiju Suva

Meiju Suvas also remembers what she has talked with Yona.

Meiju Suvaksen’s wish will come true, because she gets to know Yona better within the framework of the Vain läämää program. Four

When Meiju Suvas arrives at Satulinna today, he warmly greets the two Vain lääää colleagues he meets first.

– Who are the beautiful princesses here? he asks From Erika Vikman and From Yona.

First, Erika and Meiju hug each other warmly. After that, Yona introduces herself to Meiju.

– We probably haven’t even met yet, Yona believes as she welcomes Meiju.

But that’s not true. Meiju, who has a good memory, quickly corrects Yona’s mistake.

– We have seen.

Yona’s and Meiju Suva’s rooms are next to each other in Satulinna. Four

However, the younger singer has no idea about the meeting. Fortunately, Meiju can fill in the missing pieces. It has been a fleeting moment in an exciting situation.

– We were once on the same TV morning news. You came and I went, Meiju times.

He even remembers what was said in the situation.

– I told you that I have always wanted to get to know you.

This fall’s Vain liäää starts properly in a week, when it’s Mikko Alatalo’s day. Four

Yona is not upset about her memory loss, but smoothly takes control of the situation.

– Oh! Now we can get to know each other, Yona is happy.

In addition to the female trio, the 13th production season of the Vain läämä series will be participated in Redrama, Pete Parkkonen, Tommi Läntinen, Steep 69 and Mikko Alatalo.

Only life today on Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
