The OdySight eye health device will be reimbursed by social security

OdySight, Tilak Healthcare’s application that offers visual tests and therapeutic games to monitor the health status of patients with ocular pathologies, will now be reimbursed by social security. This reimbursement should make it possible to include the medical device in the routine of ophthalmologists.

France is fertile ground for healthcare innovations

Currently, the OdySight application is available on prescription from an ophthalmologist, offered by 400 retinologists and used by more than 3,500 patients. The announcement of support comes within the framework of article 51 of the PLFSS 2018. This article is a device aimed at experimenting “new health organizations based on new financing methods”.

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The Tilak Healthcare application meets several challenges such as optimizing patient care and the possibility of regularly monitoring their visual acuity. In concrete terms, the experiment provides for the establishment of a user fee covering the provision of the application, the training of patients and the monitoring of their results by a doctor.

With this plan, OdySight expects to reach 8,000 new users. For Édouard Gasser, CEO and co-founder of Tilak Healthcare, “The launch of this experiment is a crucial new step in the deployment of OdySight. It rewards the work of doctors and our teams in the service of innovation in ophthalmology. It also shows that France is fertile ground for new health technologies”.

OdySight 100% reimbursed by social security

Initially, the OdySight application was developed by José-Alain Sahel, founder of the Institut de la Vision and head of the department of ophthalmology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and Edouard Gasser, current CEO of Tilak Healthcare and former studio director at Gameloft. For the moment, the medical device is not intended for all people with ophthalmological problems.

Indeed, it is recommended for patients with an ocular pathology requiring regular monitoring of vision such as wet and dry forms of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) at risk of neovascularization, diabetic retinopathy with or without macular oedema, high myopia with risk of neovascularization and any other similar pathologies that can lead to blindness.

Until now, the cost of the application was 265 euros per year, per patient. From now on, it is the Health Insurance which takes care of everything. The healthcare professional will be paid 112 euros to participate in the inclusion of the device. Mainly deployed in France, the app is also available in the United States, Spain and Belgium. The Netherlands and Germany are the next markets.
