The October salary increases by almost 100 euros

ORevery now and then, in the infinite series of announcements against the citizen, some positive one also comes along: the INPS, in its report presented on 13 September, confirmed the salary increase of October with an average of 98 euros more in the paycheck. Good news, at least until December because there is still no confirmation of being able to repeat the operation in the new year.

The tax relief swells your October salary

The increase it is the effect of the contribution relief introduced by Mario Draghi in 2022, the year before the arrival of the Meloni Government, in favor of gross wages up to 2,962 euros (35 thousand euros per year) for compensate for the loss of purchasing power due to higher inflation than the value of the salary increase. But if the provision introduced by Draghi which intervenes directly on wages, cutting the contributions owed by the worker and thus reducing the difference between net and grosshas the merit of having opened the way forward, the Meloni government has raised the bar.

100 euro bonus on the paycheck thanks to the contribution relief introduced by the Meloni government (Getty Images)

Good news for workers

In 2022, in fact, the reduction was 2% and brought an average increase of 30 euros to the paycheck with values ​​exceeding 50 euros for only 5 percent of the beneficiaries. In that of October 2023, the figure is much higher because, from July, the contribution relief applied has increased to 6% for salaries of less than 2,692 euros and 7% for those who are below the threshold of 1,923 euros (25 thousand euros of annual income).

October salary: for some even 150 euros

There the average exemption therefore reaches 98 euros. But approximately 57 percent of workers, mostly full-time employees throughout the month, will receive higher amounts, up to 123 euros. About 2 percent of beneficiaries, however, will receive sums of less than 80 eurosthe lowest value highlighted in the INPS report, while for 45 percent of beneficiaries there will be an increase in salary above 150 euros.

A measure that can be confirmed?

The measure certainly brings more advantages for the worker, but it also causes greater difficulties for the Government in confirming it for next year. Indeed, the relief with this percentage is currently only financed until December 2023 and it does not even include the thirteenth, for which the rates continue to be 2% and 3% in force until June.

To see it confirmed we will need to understand whether the Meloni government will be able to find the resources also in 2024, given that to recognize a relief of 6 and 7% for the whole year, more than 10 billion euros could be needed, a figure which it currently does not have. wages

