The nurse’s strange request shocked – a 23-year-old ME woman opened up about the unpleasant situation

Australian swimming star Ariarne Titmus underwent surgery in September.

Ariarne Titmus had a hard time in the hospital. PDO

Ariarne Titmus, 23, went for magnetic resonance imaging last fall when a sore hip tormented her. The imaging revealed that she has Benign tumors in her ovary.

The tumors were removed in September. The visit to the hospital has stuck in Titmus’ mind in a boring way because of the special requests.

– A few nurses asked if they could take pictures of me, Titmus says For The Guardian.

The nurses’ behavior shocked the young woman, who was just about to undergo surgery.

– When you go to the hospital for surgery, you don’t expect people to come and ask you for photos.

The nurses’ intrusive behavior led to Titmus deciding to go public with his operation.

– I wanted to talk about it on my own terms and not in such a way that it comes out in some other way.

Titmus also wanted to spread information about women’s health, because according to him, it is a normal operation. He has received positive feedback about his output.

Titmus was lucky when the tumors were discovered already last fall, because now he has time to rehabilitate himself for next summer’s Olympics.

– If the scan had been done in February or March, it would have derailed my Olympic plans.

Titmus is the 400 meter freestyle world record holder. He clocked a ME time of 3:55.38 in Fukuoka, Japan last July.
