The number of people who obtain the C2 of Catalan grows

  • 78.79% of those who took the exam have passed, six and a half points more than in 2021

The exams to obtain the C2 level certificate in Catalan have gone better than those of the 2021 edition. This has been explained by the Department of Culture, which emphasizes that the results show an improvement in all indicators. To begin with, the percentage of approved, which has gone from 72.50% to 78.79%. In total they have approved 4,187 people of the 5,314 that presented themselves, the highest figure ever obtained in this certificate. had already increased very significantly inscription, which had multiplied by three compared to the previous year and also the proportion of those presented. Those registered have received personal communications with the score and qualification obtained.

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In a statement, the ‘ministry’ of the Department has highlighted that the Language Policy Secretariat has made “an extraordinary organizational effort” this year to adapt to the increase in demand of the C2 certificate that took place after the Department of Education announced that all teachers should certify that level from 2024. To respond to this demand, it has been necessary to train examiners, modify deadlines and scale logistics. All this has culminated with the publication of results that took place this Monday, which has put an end to the 2022 call. It is expected that a new registration period will begin at the end of January 2023.

Regarding the rest of the certificates, the number of registered in the 2022 calls has been similar to that of last year. In the level A2, 141 people have registered and 99 have applied, of which 62 have passed (62.63%); in the level B1 249 people have registered and 144 have applied, of which 100 have passed (69.44%); in the level B2 523 people have registered and 332 have applied, of which 277 (83.43%) have passed and in the level C1 2,510 people have registered and 1,786 have applied, of which 823 have passed, 46.08%.
